Jim Duncan
Club Caller since 2019
1'st, 3'rd & 5'th
Wednesdays 3-5 pm
Gerry (alias "Scoop") Jesk
We are Clover Squares of Levy County. Our caller is Jim Duncan and his taw is Sandra Duncan.
We are a Basic, Mainstream club with announced Plus tips.
We are currently dancing from 3 to 5 pm the First, Third and Fifth Wednesdays each month.
We are going to have beginners classes in the fall and will send out fliers and announcements
at that time.
We have some new dancers and they have gone through much of the basic calls and into the mainstream
level. We are growing and on a good attendance day we have over two squares.
We just had a St Patty�s day dance with the wearing of the Green. We plan a crazy hat dance in April for Easter and we have a good time !!
We dance from 3-5 the First, Third and Fifth Wednesdays making it a good time for folks to travel and be home before dark.
A little history: Clover Squares started back in the 80�s In a church building between Bronson and Williston off of Hwy 27. The club later moved
to different locations in Williston and then it stopped for a few years.
The club was rekindled a few years ago in the Methodist church in Williston and in October , 2019 it was relocated to the Methodist church in Chiefland where we
meet now in the fellowship hall. Some of the Past Club Callers were Paul Greer, Ray Coffee, Bill Chesnut,
Rod Barnsgrover, Ellis Lindsey and now Jim Duncan.