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Teen Town

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September 30th 1978 to Today

The Dixie Dancers is a member-run club with an elected board of officers
and has danced continuously since September 30, 1978.

Bill Chesnut

Club Picnic 06/09/12

Mary Chesnut

Club Picnic 06/09/12

Bill & Mary Chesnut

Club Caller: Bill Chesnut
Bill and Mary live in Melrose.

Bill travels to Lake City every Tuesday evening to call for our club.

ill became a square dance caller when he was fourteen years old. His parents started square dancing and took him with them to their dances. He quickly became interested in the folk art of square dancing and it has become his life-long passion.

In addition to calling for the Dixie Dancers, Bill calls for The Square Wheels and the Gypsy Squares Camping Clubs, the Moose Promenaders and the Mixed Nuts. The Mixed Nuts is an advance level workshop.

Barbara & Bob Rosenthal

The Dixie Dancers

Terry & Bob Wallace


Ivan & Ann Hadsall
Sunshine Committee
Round Dance Cuer

Alicia & George King

Pat Caldwell

Faye & Dexter Beals

Donna Farrimond