Hitch 'N' Go  #082

November 2021

Our November campout took place at Jetty Park, Cape Canaveral.
At our president Sharon's suggestion, Hitch n Go had some changes for this trip. Rather than arrive Thursday and leave Sunday it was decided we would arrive Tuesday the 16th and go home Sunday, the 20th.
Another great idea she had was having our Thanksgiving feast on Thursday rather than on Saturday, the day before we leave for home.
We had 11 members and 15 guests throughout the gathering. There were 11 members and 12 guests at the Thanksgiving potluck.  
One afternoon Tom Brown and Tom Hartwig went to the History Museum.
We kept true to our motto of Hitch n Go Eat.
Sharon made sausage sandwiches for us Tuesday.
On Wed. some folks went out to eat as some also did on Friday.
Several rain storms throughout the days but cleared up for the potluck. Everyone brought something different to share so all the traditional foods were presented. 3 large folding tables filled end to end under the purple tent. We have the best cooks!
Sharon made waffles and strawberries during pouring rain, but everyone was able to have those delicious delectables! Then in the afternoon, Deanna and Phil had root beer floats for everyone. Later, at supper, we ate at the Kelly's site where Jim cooked up hamburgers and hotdogs under the trees with 2 fire pits keeping us warm and dry from sprinkling rain.  
Did I mention our motto??It was a great time enjoyed by all. 

Jeanne Hartwig

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