Terri* & Tim Wilaby
3344 Wasatch Range Loop Pensacola, FLĀ 32526 850 712-5230 terriwilaby@hotmail.com Terri and Tim have been married for 36 years. They met in Rota, Spain. It was there they began their dancing. Terri had already learned to square dance and talked Tim into learning. This was in the late 70's. They have served in all offices of several square dance clubs (although not at the same time) and worked hard at promoting square dancing where ever they went. Across the years they have raised two boys, both of whom achieved the rank of Eagle Scout. Tim was Scoutmaster of three different troops and Cub Master of his sons pack. He is a member of the Order of the Arrow and has attended Woodbadge so he might provide better service to the youth. Terri was den mother for her sons pack as well as Pack Committee Chairman and later Troop Committee Chairman. She even filled in as Scoutmaster while Tim had to relocate for a short tour of duty in Norfolk, VA. Tim finally retired after 20 years of active duty in the Navy as a First-Class Petty Officer finally settling in Pensacola, Florida. He found a satisfying job as General Manager of a marine sales/service store and stayed for 8 years. He was then offered the opportunity to purchase the store and ran it for an additional 3 years before it had to close due to the economy. He now has his own computer repair and digitization store to keep him busy. One of his latest projects included converting the video he obtained from the demos at Nationals in 2013 and, with permission, placing them on YouTube. He is currently also employed as an administrator of a local medical clinic. Terri has been in the bookkeeping field for over 20 years. She is currently the office manager for a local bowling center where she handles employment, bookkeeping and tracking several of the house bowling leagues. They finally made a decision to become cuers but had to complete their position as General Chairmen for the Florida State Square and Round Dance Convention in 2007 before doing so. They joined the Round Dance Council of Florida in the fall of 2007 and started cueing on their own in 2008. Tim has been President of the Round Dance Council for 6 years and Past President for 2 years. Terri has been Secretary of the Council for one year and Treasurer for an additional five years. They have also held the position of Cuer Co-Chair in 2013, and Cuer Chairman for 2013 and 2014 for the Florida State Square and Round Dance Convention. They have taught at National Conventions as well as Florida State Conventions. Several of these dances have been their own choreography. Tim and Terri currently cue rounds for Seaside Squares Square and Round Dance Club on Friday evenings. They teach a beginners class on Sundays which is followed by their club, TNT Rounds. On Tuesdays they hold a review class for the beginners class to help them improve their figures. They also provide dancing and instruction for the intermediate dancers in the area on Wednesdays. Wilabys are presently on the ROUNDALAB Board of Directors. Terri is in her second term as Vice Chairman of ROUNDALAB. She is also currently a member of the ROUNDALAB Glossary and Abbreviation, Phase III Standards, and Cueing Guideline Committees. Terri is also currently the publisher for the Northwest Florida Square and Round Dance Association quarterly newspaper, Panhandle Press. Folks even joke she is the head of the "Grapevine", trying to keep everyone current on local, and not so local, events and news. June 29, 2024 - At the 73'rd National Square Dance Convention Teri Wilaby was elected as the Chair of ROUNDALAB ! They are currently members of Northwest Florida Square and Round Dance Association as well as Northwest Florida Callers and Cuers Association. |