A Message About the Florida Federation Website

..this page was last updated 09/29/2024...

The Florida Federation website is hosted on the secure DANCERgram
platform and is supported by both the West Coast Square and
Round Dance Association and the Florida Federation.
Clifford Reiss (email: dgramwebmaster@yahoo.com) is the webmaster.

Beginning in 1999 Bruce Morgan designed, built and maintained this website,
but by 2022 he was no longer able to provide webmaster support.
Thank you Bruce for your many years of service !!

In early 2023 there was an immediate need to provide on-line information for the 2024 Florida State Convention.
Clifford Reiss volunteered to assume support for the website - moving it to the web hosting server used by the
DANCERgram and working with the Florida Federation, the Florida Associations and Clubs, and our Callers and Cuers
to bring the website up to date. Clifford recently also took on the role of Administrator of the Florida Federation
Facebook group page - monitoring content and approving members who request the ability to post to the page.

To keep the website current send updates for your Federation, Association, and Club information,
Federation and Association Event Flyers, and newsletters to the webmaster
Clifford Reiss. eMail: dgramwebmaster@yahoo.com

The Federation, the Associations, and many Clubs also maintain Facebook group pages where
updates are frequently posted. Links to these Facebook pages have been added and prominent
messages posted to remind viewers to also visit Facebook.

Note 1) due to the move to the new web hosting server and because the original HTML code was
generated 20+ years ago some elements of the HTML code are outdated and no longer function properly.
Pages may display random "" characters when this "old" HTML
code is encountered. Corrections are being made -- but slowly!

Note 2) if you find links between pages that do not work or other content
that is incorrect please bring it to my attention for correction! Thank you. Cliff.


A message about web URL addresses and Facebook pages

A number of clubs have or had a web URL address .. an address such as
"www.clubname.com" or ".net" or ".org". In the past the Federation webmaster was handling
the setup and renewal of some of these web addresses in a GoDaddy account.

Some of these web URL addresses may have expired. If by chance no one has
"claimed" and taken over the URL address it would still be available to be reopened. Some other
web URL addresses may be coming up for renewal but unless they are identified, the expiration
date determined, and the owner of the account renews it they will also expire.

If your club or organization has or had a web URL address and needs assistance
maintaining and/or reviving such address I can help. If necessary I can become
the temporary owner of the URL. A web URL costs approximately $22/year to be registered on GoDaddy.

A number of clubs also have Facebook pages. If a club has both a web page and a Facebook page
the sites should reference each other. If the club page is maintained on this Federation website and
there is no link to the Facebook page I will add a link as these Facebook pages are identified.

If your club needs assistance with any of these items contact me:
DANCERgram webmaster Clifford Reiss: eMail: dgramwebmaster@yahoo.com
or call (813) 390-1984


The URL "floridasquaredance.com" is registred thru a GoDaddy account maintained by the webmaster.
Annual domain renewal including full domain privacy and protection bills annually in July.
In July, 2024 the cost was $35.16 - paid by the webmaster and reimbursed by the Federation.

Hosting is provided by Webmasters.com and funded jointly by the Westcoast Association and the Florida Federation.
The annual cost is $179.40 (as of 2024) paid by the webmaster and reimbursed by:
... $119.40 funded by the Westcoast for hosting
... $60.00 funded by the Federation for the "Lets Encrypt SSL" that provides domain security ("https://" instead of "http://)