Dangles |
These are just a few of our huge
assortment of dangles. Dangles are just $1.00
AIR HAMMER | Dance barefoot on concrete | ||||||
ALLEY CAT | Dance in an alley | ||||||
AMATEUR CALLER | Dance to a beginning caller | ||||||
APPLE MUNCHERS | Dance while eating apples | ||||||
APRIL FOOL | Dance on April 1st | ||||||
BALLOONIST | Dance with balloon between knees or tied to feet | ||||||
BANDIT | Steal a banner | ||||||
BAR-B-QUE | Dance at an outdoor bar-b-que | ||||||
BAREFOOT | Dance in bare feet | ||||||
BLACK CAT | Dance on Friday the 13th or on Halloween | ||||||
BLACK OUT | Dance during a black out | ||||||
BLACK SHEEP | Do an entire different dance that what the caller is calling | ||||||
BLIND MOUSE | Entire square dances blindfolded | ||||||
BOOKWORM | Dance in a library | ||||||
BOOT & BAGS | Tie bags to your feet and dance | ||||||
BOOT SNATCHER | Remove the callers boots while he is calling | ||||||
BROKEN THERMOMETER | Dance in extreme heat, over 100 degrees | ||||||
BROOM | Dance with one | ||||||
BURGER DANCER | Dance at a place that sells hamburgers | ||||||
BUS BADGE | Dance in a bus - or as transportation | ||||||
CALLER HAULER | Help the caller set-up | ||||||
CALLER'S REVENGE | Caller calls tip no one can do | ||||||
CANDLE LIGHTER | dance by candle light | ||||||
CARAVAN | Travel to a dance in three or more cars | ||||||
CARPET BAGGERS | Dance on a rug | ||||||
CHRISTMAS | Self explanatory | ||||||
CHURCH MOUSE | Dance in a church | ||||||
The caller calls a number ( from 1-1 2) simple basics to correspond to the basics listed on poster boards set up around the hall |
CUCKOO | Callers revenge, for the idiot party | ||||||
CRACKPOT | Dance in a bathroom | ||||||
CRAZY SQUARE | Do crazy stunts while dancing | ||||||
CRIMSON HEART | For any injury drawing blood while dancing | ||||||
DUM DUM AWARD | For a really dumb mistake | ||||||
EAGER BEAVER | Dance 7 nights in a row | ||||||
EXHIBITIONIST | Show off for non-dancers | ||||||
FANNY BUSTER | For those how hit the ground while dancing | ||||||
FIRE CRACKER | Dance on the 4th of July | ||||||
FIRST NIGHT | Of a class or new club | ||||||
GENERATION GAP | Dance with teens or younger | ||||||
GHOST | Dance with only 7 people in a square | ||||||
GLOW WORM | Dance in the dark or under black light | ||||||
GOON | Dance in a restaurant | ||||||
GRASSHOPPER | Dance in the grass | ||||||
HALLOWEEN | Celebrate Halloween at a dance | ||||||
HARD LUCK | Have hard luck going to or coming from a dance | ||||||
HOSPITAL | Dance in a hospital | ||||||
HOT MIKE | 3 callers calling the same tip | ||||||
HUGGIN BUG | Hug one who wears the badge | ||||||
HURRICANE | Dance during one | ||||||
IDIOT | Dance in P.J.'s or wake up a caller and have him call | ||||||
INTERNATIONAL | Dance an exhibition for people from a foreign country | ||||||
JAIL BIRDS | Dance in a jail | ||||||
KENTUCKY COLONEL | Dance with 3 bearded men in the same square | ||||||
One who is, kisses one who isn't - $1.50 Must be wearing lips and in full view of partners |
KNEE KNOCKERS | Dance in Bermuda shorts | ||||||
K.P. SQUARES | Dance in a kitchen | ||||||
LAMPLIGHTERS | Dance under a street light | ||||||
LEAP YEAR | Dance on February 29th ( Specify boy or girl) | ||||||
LEMON TEASER | Suck lemons while dancing in front of caller | ||||||
LIFE SAVER | Any dancer who saves your life by filling for you | ||||||
MOONLIGHTER | Dance in the moonlight | ||||||
MOTHER | Dance on Mother's Day | ||||||
MUMMY | Wrap caller in toilet paper while he is calling | ||||||
MYSTERY CALLER | Dance to a mystery caller | ||||||
MYSTERY TRIP | Go to a dance where only one person knows the location | ||||||
NITE OWL | Dance more or less all night long | ||||||
NURSE AID | Dance in a nursing home | ||||||
OLD HEN | Dance with 4 couples - all women | ||||||
OLD TIMER | Belong to a club for 5 years | ||||||
OSCAR | For the dancer brave enough to call a tip | ||||||
OUT HOUSE | For sitting out a tip in the bathroom or dance in a real outhouse | ||||||
PANTS SNATCHER | Self explanatory | ||||||
PARADE SQUARE | Dance in a parade or on a float | ||||||
PICKLE EATER | Dance at a picnic | ||||||
PIZZA TWIRLER | Dance in a pizza place | ||||||
PROFESSOR | Demonstrating the art of square dancing in a school | ||||||
PUDDLE JUMPER | Dance outside after a rain storm | ||||||
PURPLE HEART | Dance with 3 callers in the same square | ||||||
PURPLE TOE | For a purple toe received while dancing | ||||||
RED DEVIL | For the little devil that's always causing trouble | ||||||
RETRIEVER | Retrieving a banner | ||||||
ROAD RUNNER | Visit a club 50 miles away | ||||||
ROLLER SKATER | Dance on roller skates | ||||||
ROOSTER | Four couples dancing together - all male | ||||||
ROVER | Travel 1,000 miles away and dance | ||||||
ROYAL BADGER | Collect at least 12 badges | ||||||
RUNNING BEAR | Dancing barefoot | ||||||
SHIRT SNATCHER | Steal the shirt off the caller's back | ||||||
SIAMESE | 8 couples dancing arm in arm as one square | ||||||
SINGING CALLS | Dance to them all evening | ||||||
SPOTLIGHTER | Dance under one or while flashlight is turned on your square | ||||||
SQUARE ANGEL | Help with a class | ||||||
SQUIRRELY DANCE | Eat peanuts while dancing | ||||||
STINKER | The entire square walks off the floor while caller is calling | ||||||
STRIPPER | Lose something while dancing | ||||||
Given by the caller for the dancer who has helped in 5 or more classes |
TRAFFIC STOPPER | Stop traffic while dancing | ||||||
TV SQUARE | Dance on TV | ||||||
VALENTINE SQUARE | Dance on that day | ||||||
VENUS | Dance without using your hands | ||||||
If you don't see what you need, just ask. We'll custom design dangles for your event. |
For your convenience, use our email to order or request more information |